Again thanks for all the help! But I got another nooby question.
I want to make a simple script that uses the stored variables.

For instance say I got %YourNickName variable stored under the variable tab and it has "34" uses. I want to make a script that will say the amount of uses to a user if they do the command and their nickname matches the variable name.
So basically if your nickname is say JonJoe. And I have a variable called %jonjoe 34 under my variable tab in my remote menu. If you type "!amount" I want a script that will tell the user "The amount is 34" or whatever the number is.
I came up with something, but I cannot figure out to how combine the % with $nick.
on *:text:!amount*:#: {
  /notice $nick Hello $nick , you have % $+ $nick !

This dosent work, but there has to be someway to combine the % with the $nick so it reads a given variable.
Thanks in advance. I know this is a stupid question lol.