When you move your cursor/mouse over a nickname in a #chatroom, there is usually a finger that pops up and indicates you can right-click and get information or perform commands, etc. We've all seen this before.
When, however, you script your own channel appearance, add your own settings for how nicknames look, etc., you quickly lose that automatic finger whenever you move your cursor over the nickname.
<MegaZeroX> will still see a finger popup.
*MegaZeroX* still...
(MegaZeroX) still...
BUT <<MegaZeroX>> will not
**MegaZeroX** will not
^^MegaZeroX^^ will not.
Thus begins the "two character rule" - mIRC will have a finger available for all nicknames as long as there is no more than one character on either side of the nickname. (One more character is 'tolerated' for !@%+ mode prefixes).
If you think about it, ON HOTLINK or whatever the event is would have to be scripted for each and every nickname that it applies to. Or would it?
I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas on how I might script something that would allow us to keep the FINGER after adding more than one symbol to either side of the nickname.