The data of this section is what you find or set at "Options" > "Connect" > "Local info".
This means: it will be valid only if it's been auto-filled after a connect (if you ticked "on connect, always get:"), or you did put valid values (either in the dialog or with the /localinfo [host] [IP] -command). This also implies that, as the values are manipulable, you cannot rely on them for all purposes (but this will depend on what you need it for). In any way, the whole ini-section "[local]" will disappear if no (or invalid) data had been put.

However, you may have run across a unknown bug (unknown to me at least):
After the data had been retrieved on connect, or updated with a /localinfo -u/h lookup, or changed with /localinfo <custom values>, it is cached internally by mIRC (accessible by the $ip and $host identifiers). It's not yet written to the inifile:"//echo -ag $readini($mircini,local,localip)" for example won't show the new ip value. But: the command /saveini does not update the file either. I think it should, and I'd be glad if other users would confirm this possible bug. At the moment, I have to open the options-dialog and close it with "OK" to have any new "localinfo"-data written into the mirc.ini file.

Maybe you can use $host and $ip and thus avoid the ini-issue at all?

Last edited by Horstl; 05/01/10 01:45 AM.