-_- I'm still getting the same errors.
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— You are running Invision 3.1.1 (June '09) with Advanced File Serving features created by cRYOa running under mIRC v6.35 from #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
> You have now started Invision 13 times since installed.
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— DCC Sends have been optimized for best performance
> Temp DCC permissions list has been cleared
> Script Corruption Check —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
> All Files Checked ok!
> ScriptGuard Report «23 script pages loaded»
[9:03am] * Connecting to irc.torn.com (8001)
[9:03am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:03am] * Connect cancelled
[9:03am] * Connecting to irc.torn.com (6667)
[9:03am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:03am] * Connect retry #1 irc.torn.com (8001)
[9:03am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #2 irc.torncity.com (6667)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #3 irc.torn.com (6667)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #4 irc.torn.com (8001)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #5 irc.torncity.com (6667)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #6 irc.torn.com (6667)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:04am] * Connect retry #7 irc.torn.com (8001)
[9:04am] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[9:05am] * Connect retry #8 irc.torncity.com (6667)
Last edited by Jamie88; 12/11/09 04:01 PM.