Well, I've got the first part of the script working. I realized that the reason it wasn't always working was because it was an on TEXT script, and I had no on ACTION script. So now I have these, and they work fine:
on *:TEXT:*:?:/timer $+ $server $+ $nick 1 300 echo 7 -a Don't forget about $nick $+ , woman!
on *:ACTION:*:?:/timer $+ $server $+ $nick 1 300 echo 7 -a Don't forget about $nick $+ , woman!

However, the second part of the script still does not work. It also seems that a should-be-simple script that just says:
on *:INPUT:?:/echo 7 -a Hi.
doesn't work, so do I just have on INPUT format wrong, or something?
Thanks again.