Okay, so, I'm pretty new to all this scripting stuff, but learning, with some help. I've been trying to fashion a set of remote scripts that will be used to send me messages if I leave a PM window sitting without responding for 5 minutes. My current method of doing this is using two remote scripts, one to write a timer for every PM I get, one to stop that timer when I respond. However, The first one, to write the timer, doesn't -always- work (though it does sometimes) and also seems to work oddly if I change names. The second one simply does not do what I want it to do. Here are the scripts:

on *:TEXT:*:?:/timer $+ $nick 1 300 /echo 7 -a Don't forget about $+ $chr(32) $+ $nick $+ , woman!
on *:INPUT:?:/timer $+ $target off

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.