Thanks but let me just make sure i understand this code right that i went to have a look @ that you said i must.

I see where i can put the blacklisted channels in. But where can put users nicks in that must not be kick. Becuase it's a teen channel and only Under 21 can join there. But the ppl that are in charge in channel are older and in some of that blacklisted channels, so i dont want the bot 2 kick those ppl.?

Thanks so much for the help.


raw 319:*: {
if ($2 ison #q) {

; put blacklisted channel names here, separated by space, WITHOUT the chantype prefix
var %ban = a b c 2m-clan

; this part sets a variable which has the status prefix (e.g. @) and the chantype-char (e.g. #) removed from $3-
var %regex = $+(/,(?<=^|\40),$chr(40),[,$prefix,]?,[,$chantypes,],$chr(41),(?=\S+),/g)
var %cleaned = $regsubex($3-,%regex,$null)

; loop the words of %cleaned...
var %n = 1
while ($gettok(%cleaned,%n,32)) {
; ...and check if the current word is a blacklisted channel of "%ban"
; if it is: kickban the user out of #q, stop the loop
if ($istok(%ban,$v1,32)) {
ban -k #q $2 You're on a banned channel
; if not: continue with next word
inc %n