A basic adaption:
; ----- your channel -----
alias -l teenchan { RETURN #TeenZone }

; ----- blacklisted channel names, separated by space, WITHOUT the chantype prefix -----
alias -l bannedchans { RETURN oldboys mature whathaveyou } 

; ----- allowed nicknames, separated by space -----
alias -l allowednicks { RETURN statsbot silentangel }

; someone (not you) joins the channel and you're @
on @!*:join:$($teenchan): {
  ; nick is not allowed anyway
  if (!$istok($allowednicks,$nick,32)) {
    ; basic flood-prevention (no more than 5 whois in 20 seconds):
    ; hash-table has less than 5 items atm
    if ($hget(teencheck,0).item < 5) {
      ; add a random item for 20s to the flood-prevention hash-table 
      hadd -mu20 teencheck $rand(1,999999)
      ; whois the nick
      !whois $nick

raw *:*: {
  ; raw reply is in the range 301-402 (this won't halt the display of ALL raw replies but of raws in the whois-reply-range)
  ; (you still won't see e.g. the default reply for a manual /whois or /names)
  if ($numeric isnum 301-402) {
    if ($numeric == 319) && ($2 ison $teenchan) && ($me isop $v2) && ($2 != $me) {
      var %regex = $+(/,(?<=^|\40),$chr(40),[,$prefix,]?,[,$chantypes,],$chr(41),(?=\S+),/g)
      var %cleaned = $regsubex($3-,%regex,$null), %n = 1
      while ($gettok(%cleaned,%n,32)) {
        if ($istok($bannedchans,$v1,32)) {

          ; ----- ban the user -----
          mode $teenchan +bb $2 $address($2,2)

          ; ----- kick the user -----
          kick $teenchan $2 This channel is for teens only

        inc %n

Edit: forgot to add "allowed nicks"