But this one trows at least
some error...
I wasn't able to figure out my issue "quickly" in a scenario of several, dynamically named hash tables and (apparently) random cases where a /h* or $h* applied to- or returned from the (apparently) wrong table (some of my tables turned out to be in fact one table; the truncation applies to all /h* and $h*). Took me awhile.
Attempts to use a long tablename may be less frequent, but they ain't improbable... All works as expected as long as your tablenames differ "left" of the truncation point. I think several scripters don't even know that this or that tablename is cropped.
I now of the limit by now, but other scripters will stumble across the same issue, and I think they would appreciate
some error message or - as an alternative - a note in the helpfile (a new $error could actually break scripts that work fine with truncated tablenames).