I did this i think this will be good, When you press F4 a box(window) appear and what ever you write into this box it's going into the Channel Oper(s).

alias opers {
  if (($1) && ($1 ischan)) { set -e %ops_chan $$1 }
  else { set -e %ops_chan $active }
  if ($active ischan) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }

alias -l op_list {
  var %c = 1
  while ($nick(%ops_chan,%c,o)) {
    aline -ln @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  $+(@,$nick(%ops_chan,%c,o))
    inc %c

on ^*:NOTICE:*:#: {
  if (($target == $+(@,$chan)) && ($right($nick,4) !== Serv) && (*irc.com !iswm $nick) && (*irc.net !iswm $nick)) {
    set -e %ops_chan $chan
    if (!$window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 

on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($target == $+(@,$chan)) {
    set -e %ops_chan $chan
    if (!$window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 

on *:INPUT:*: { 
  if (($target == @Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && (/* !iswm $1-)) {
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 
    .onotice %ops_chan $1-

on *:CLOSE:@Ops-*: { unset %ops_chan }

on *:OP:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan)) { 
    aline -ln @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+(@,$opnick) 

on *:DEOP:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$opnick),1,1)

on *:NICK: {
  if ($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && ($newnick isop %ops_chan)) { 
    rline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1) $+(@,$newnick)

on *:QUIT: {
  if ($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && ($nick isop %ops_chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1)

on *:PART:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1)

menu @Ops-* {
  dclick: { query $remove($sline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,1),@) } 
  $iif($mouse.lb,Whois): { whois $$1 $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,DCC Allow): { dccallow + $+ $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Ping): { ctcp $$1 ping }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Time): { ctcp $$1 time }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Version): { ctcp $$1 version }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Send): { dcc send $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Chat): { dcc chat $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,DNS): { dns $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Userhost): { userhost $$1 }

alias f4 { opers }

Last edited by westor; 05/07/09 12:22 PM.

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