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Posted By: khurram_ch +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 07:40 AM
I really need a +o+v alias so the channels i am op in I can talk to the other ops and voiced people. Like when i press F4 a box appear and i notice/msg to other Ops in the channel, and when press F5 a box appear i type the msg/channel and it goes to Ops+Voices in the channel rather than i type /notice @+#channel <msg>
Box appearance is must.
Please paste me the code and where to put in alias/remote.
Posted By: westor Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 12:17 PM
I did this i think this will be good, When you press F4 a box(window) appear and what ever you write into this box it's going into the Channel Oper(s).

alias opers {
  if (($1) && ($1 ischan)) { set -e %ops_chan $$1 }
  else { set -e %ops_chan $active }
  if ($active ischan) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }

alias -l op_list {
  var %c = 1
  while ($nick(%ops_chan,%c,o)) {
    aline -ln @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  $+(@,$nick(%ops_chan,%c,o))
    inc %c

on ^*:NOTICE:*:#: {
  if (($target == $+(@,$chan)) && ($right($nick,4) !== Serv) && (*irc.com !iswm $nick) && (*irc.net !iswm $nick)) {
    set -e %ops_chan $chan
    if (!$window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 

on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($target == $+(@,$chan)) {
    set -e %ops_chan $chan
    if (!$window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) { window -k0el16 @Ops- $+ %ops_chan  21 21 741 341 }
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 

on *:INPUT:*: { 
  if (($target == @Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && (/* !iswm $1-)) {
    aline -hp $colour(notice) @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+([,@,$nick,]) $1- 
    .onotice %ops_chan $1-

on *:CLOSE:@Ops-*: { unset %ops_chan }

on *:OP:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan)) { 
    aline -ln @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $+(@,$opnick) 

on *:DEOP:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$opnick),1,1)

on *:NICK: {
  if ($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && ($newnick isop %ops_chan)) { 
    rline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1) $+(@,$newnick)

on *:QUIT: {
  if ($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan) && ($nick isop %ops_chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1)

on *:PART:#: { 
  if (($window(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan)) && ($chan == %ops_chan) && ($nick isop $chan)) { 
    dline -l @Ops- $+ %ops_chan $fline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,$+(@,$nick),1,1)

menu @Ops-* {
  dclick: { query $remove($sline(@Ops- $+ %ops_chan,1),@) } 
  $iif($mouse.lb,Whois): { whois $$1 $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,DCC Allow): { dccallow + $+ $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Ping): { ctcp $$1 ping }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Time): { ctcp $$1 time }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Version): { ctcp $$1 version }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Send): { dcc send $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Chat): { dcc chat $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,DNS): { dns $$1 }
  $iif($mouse.lb,Userhost): { userhost $$1 }

alias f4 { opers }
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 12:44 PM
its nice, but it cannot communicate with +v.
i want two options, 1. press F4 and open a window where only msg to +o,
2. press F5 where can msg to +v+o both.....
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 12:59 PM
please post for both the options
Posted By: westor Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 01:44 PM
Sorry i can't help you with that you want, i gave you only for op users
Posted By: RusselB Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 01:47 PM
Not as sophisticated a code, but I think it meets your stated requirements.
alias f4 {
  var %msg = $$?="Enter message for Ops only to see here"
  if ($me isop $chan) {
    .onotice $chan For ops only: %msg
  else {
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $nick($chan,0,o) {
      .timer -m 1 $calc(%a / 500) notice $nick($chan,%a,o) For ops only: %msg
      inc %a
alias f5 {
  var %msg = $$?="Enter message for Ops and Voiced to see here"
  if ($me isop $chan) {
    .onotice $chan For ops & voiced only: %msg
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $nick($chan,0,v) {
      .timer -m 1 $calc(%a / 500) notice $nick($chan,%a,v) For ops & voiced only: %msg
      inc %a
  else {
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $nick($chan,0,ov) {
      .timer -m 1 $calc(%a / 500) notice $nick($chan,%a,ov) For ops & voiced only: %msg
      inc %a
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 05:27 PM
hey RusselB
Pressing F4 works awesome this is what i need, it notices ops.
but there seems some prob in F5. (pressing F5 send notice to Ops and also send msg in query, and to voices it only send query msg(no notice) dear i dont want query msg, i want to send only notice both of them, like in F4.
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 05:28 PM
thank you westor, you're really helping. i appreciate that.
Posted By: RusselB Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 07:07 PM
Neither of the codes I originally submitted sent notices, but the codes have been changed to do so.
I understand where the confusion is coming in, since the /omsg command acts similar to the /notice command, in that the information doesn't open a query box for the respective ops.
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 07:19 PM
RusselB its working now, but one last thing if you could do that, when press F5 it sends notice to both ops and voices, by pressing F4 it shows like @#channel, but by pressing F5 to ops it msg goes like @#channel rather than @+#channel, it also goes to voices but like a simple notice, for ops they think it is among ops only not voices and voices think this is an individual notice. is it possible that when we press F5 it shows @+#channel so everyone knows its amond ops and voices. thanks
Posted By: RusselB Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 07:38 PM
Quite simply, no, or at least not in the manner you are asking for. I will edit the code again (if I can) to handle your request to the best of my ability.
The @ character shows because it is a higher level of access than +, and the server (not mIRC), restricts the showing character to the one that is the highest level.

You will see this same thing in your nicklists if a nick has multiple modes assigned to them.
Posted By: RusselB Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 09:09 PM
Per the additional information you supplied via pm, this should work as you want it.
alias f4 {
  var %msg = $$?="Enter message for Ops only to see here"
  .notice $($+(@,$chan),2) %msg
alias f5 {
  var %msg = $$?="Enter message for Ops only to see here"
  .notice $($+(@+,$chan),2) %msg

This is untested, as I don't have an account on the network you specified in pm.
Posted By: khurram_ch Re: +o/+v box notice - 05/07/09 09:25 PM
this is perfect smile thanks
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