Originally Posted By: argv0
I think his point is that without proper data structures, the api for xml parsing would be pretty ugly.

howabout this ?

$xmlopen(file|url ;optional)
;returns bool

$xmlread(1 1 2)
;path 1 is for the document
;returns 2 name data ;2 is for child nodes number
;returns 0 for path doesnt exist

$xmlwrite(1 1,name,data)
;$xmlwrite(path,node name,node data)

$xmlsave(file) ;optional if u need to save the document

/xmlclose ;clears memory

simple right ?

Originally Posted By: Excalibur
Not quite what you're looking for, but sure this parser will come in bandy
Mpdreamz's XML parser using COM

of course i have come across Mpdreamz xml parser
its great (like every project Mpdreamz did actually)
but its not as handy as this one

there is nuthin wrong with feature suggestion guys am pretty sure everyone would have liked it if its implemented