I'll appologize in advance if I mention anything that is already there, I might have overlooked some stuff...

File handling
Now, I know there are already a load of identifiers and such for file/directory handling, but I'm missing something that will return the number of files in a directory, for example... would be nice to have that...

ANDOR comparing
I might be completely stupid here, because maybe || already counts as an AND/OR, but yeah. I'd like to be able to do |& comparing. I can't really think of an example right now, but there have been a few times where I wanted this...

Script editor features.
It'd be really nice to see some of the following features in the script editor:

- Syntax hilighting (I know there's a DLL, but native support would be better, imho.). All the better if we can change the colours, including the background.
- Being able to actually use tab for indenting, including being able to set the tab size, seeing as everyone has a different preference... I like a tab size of 3, most people 2, some others more.
- Maybe, but now I'm going a bit far, it would be nice to have realtime bracket matching, including parantheses and the likes, and a loop checker that warns for infinite loops...

just a little window that shows all loaded scripts, and making it able to load/unload them from there. Also a list with previously loaded scripts could be added.

With an extra command (something like /mrcinfo), we could have scripts pass a description and author to show up in the scriptmanager... for example:

on *:LOAD: {
   mrcinfo -d The super annoying automagical textcolour script.
   mrcinfo -a Somelamer3468
   /* further initialization here */

the -d switch is for the description, -a for the author.

this should not have to break any backwards compatibility, as the description could stay blank for any scripts that don't report this information.

Maybe, and again I'll say I might be going a bit far with this, it would be possible to have mIRC warn for confliciting aliases/events or so.

constructive criticism and request for details are appreciated, flames to /dev/null please. :_)


/server -m irc.p2p-network.net -j #zomgwtfbbq
(ssl on port 6697 and 7000)