that's what I want:D but how many time will it loop? what if I need to match 2 string at same time? is it the same? for is there any way to count how many line does a text file have and then loop the times. I will try it later.
BTW,msg $chan $gettok($read(file.txt,%line),2,61)
what does this line do .the 2,61 I'm new in script.Sorry for stupd question:) and gettok.

I've tried it but mirc returns
/while: insufficient parameters (line 65, script2.mrc)

line 65 is
While ($read(E:\feisu\mIRC\feisu.ini,%line) != Null){
I've tried renamed ini into txt but still no luck

Last edited by feisu; 21/06/09 08:52 AM.