seems there is some misunderstanding between us:)

that line is for if script doesn't found what should it do.

I wish script stop this loop. if it doens't find.clearly the script doesn't stop when it should. ok.
it works and return USA but when I remove Gossip.Girl=USA from ini and left Prison.Break=USA only it crashed.this is the problem. but echo say found in line 2:)
I want script stop the loop after searched done and keep doing what it should do in next line of this. seems now script have something need to be fixed but we haven't found yet for stop the loop. if it haven't found the string I want.

now I have 6 Prison.Break=USA in ini but still crashs:) u can try ur self.anyway thanks for helping.I'm really appreciate it

Last edited by feisu; 21/06/09 09:59 AM.