I wasn't saying that Khaled was a video/audio dev. I was merely stating that I was surprised it hadn't been added to DCC specs, not mIRC.

You doubt that when Ident dies, that people will want video on IRC? Well, people evidently already do (maybe not everyone, but people do)

How does this conversation relate to reading books? Have you never seen text readers? Braile?

Your train of thought, would have you denying that DCC File Sharing should be possible over IRC. (Glad this isnt a new feature suggestion)

There's no reason an IRC client can't support voice/video, as a hybrid.
Take a look at MSN Messenger for example, Because I have a webcam and mic, does that mean I don't use it text anymore? No, I rarely use video/voice on MSN, but it does come in handy at times.

On a side note: argv0, In every post i've read just now, you've been very argumentative about every suggestion someone makes, take a look for yourself

[02:16] * Titanic has quit IRC (Excess Flood)