Put this code in the remotes ALT+R and try it:
alias F1 {
if (($active == $chan) && ($me isop $chan)) {
.var %chm = $chan($chan).mode
if (!%F1) { .var %error $input(Please add your channel options e.g: /set $chr(37) $+ F1 ntrRmNli,houd,Error - F1) | .halt }
if (%F1 isin %chm) {
.mode $chan - $+ %f1
else { .mode $chan + $+ %f1 }
else { .var %error $input(Your target must be in a channel $+ $chr(44) and you must be a channel operator!,houd,Error - F1) }
ATTENTION: You can add modes just write
/set %F1 im (m = moderate , i = invite only - you can add more without space!) , have fun!