The 00:00 is in the refresh timer because at 00:00 starts a new $day, so it will set the "daily" timers according to the current day of the week. You don't have to change this time.

Because the command part of a timer will be evaluated, if you want to have a single timer execute multiple commands: Either put the commands in an alias, or "delay" the evaluation of the pipe char.
In the code above, the pre-evaluation of some identifiers had been prevented alike (the "!" in $!me and $!v2).

Example for alias call (cleaner, I'd use it for a lot of / long / complex commands)
alias test1 { .timer 1 1 my_commands }
alias my_commands {
  echo -a command1
  echo -a command2

Examples for escaped "pipe" char (I'd use it only for simple commands):
alias test2 { .timer 1 3 echo -a command1 $chr(124) echo -a command2 $chr(124) echo -a command3 }

alias test3 { .timer 1 1 msg #mychan text1 $(|,0) msg #mychan text2 }