Sorry for the late reply.

Of course you can add conditions to fix this, either to the alias starting the timer, or to the timer itself, or even to the message-alias called by the timer.
But I'd try to keep the part where timers/messages are set as clean as possible, adding some "routines" to the script instead. This means more code - but you don't have to touch these routines if you change or add timers/messages.

The version below has a different timer/message layout format. I think the approach is more appropriate because your script / it's requirements grew more complex too smile
This version allows to specify (per timer definition):
- multiple networks
- multiple days of the week
- multiple times-to-trigger at
- multiple channels-to-message

;     if timers are enabled for this network, call the set-alias one minute after connect
;     (1 minute delay if connecting at 00:00 to prevent "wrong" announcements)
on *:connect: {
  if ($($+(%,radiotimer.,$network),2) == on) { .timer  1 $iif(($time(HHnn) == 0),60,0) radiotimer.set }

; setup your timers
alias -l radiotimer.set {

  ;     ---------- SETUP 1: TIMERS ----------
  ;     Add commands in the format: "radiotimer.init <network(s)> <day(s)> <time(s)> <channel(s)> <message-keyword>".
  ;     - separate multiple networks/days/channels with commas (only commas, no spaces!)
  ;     - you may use the abbreviations "Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun" for the day(s)
  ;     To allow "midnight announcements" without conflict ("will the announcing timer or the refresh timer trigger first?"),
  ;     a "new day" starts at 00:01 for the script. 00:00 will count to the day that just passed.
  ;     Avoid setting timers to 00:01 - all other times should be fine.

  ; Examples:

  ; announce the message(s) for "request_hour" each friday/saturday/sunday at 20:00 in the channel "#netradio" on networks "efnet" and "anothernet" 
  radiotimer.init efnet,anothernet fri,sat,sun 20:00 #netradio request_hour

  ; announce the message(s) for "saturday's_cue" each friday at 22:00, 22:30 and 00:00 in the channels "#netradio" and "#radionet" on efnet
  radiotimer.init efnet friday 22:00,22:30,0:00 #netradio,#radionet saturday's_cue

  ;     ---------- SETUP 1 END ----------

  ; start the refresh timer (per network)
  .timer.radiotimer.refresh. $+ $network 00:00 1 0 radiotimer.refresh

; refresh routine - triggered at 0:00 (a new $day) and refreshing at 0:01 (this ensures no "midnight" timer is overwritten or triggered twice)
alias -l radiotimer.refresh { .timer.radiotimer.refresh. $+ $network 00:01 1 0 radiotimer.set }

; setup your message(s) per keyword
alias -l radiotimer.msg {
  var %chan = $gettok($ctimer,4,9), %key = $gettok($ctimer,5,9) 
  if ($me ison %chan) {

    ;     ---------- SETUP 2: MESSAGES ---------- 
    ;     create if-conditions: if (%key == <some_keyword>) { msg %chan <your message> }

    ; Examples:

    if (%key == request_hour) { msg %chan <<< Now starting the !request hour! >>> }

    elseif (%key == saturday's_cue) {
      msg %chan  ------------------------------------------
      msg %chan  Don't miss our big Saturday show
      msg %chan  ------------------------------------------

    ;     ---------- SETUP 2 END ----------

; routine to process the commands set at  "radiotimer.set"
alias -l radiotimer.init {
  ; all required parameters exist
  if ($5 != $null) {
    ; timer definition matches current network and current day
    if ($istok($1,$network,44)) && ($wildtok($2,$time(ddd) $+ *,1,44)) {
      ; loop the time(s) specified
      var %a = 1
      while ($gettok($3,%a,44)) {
        var %t = $v1
        ; time is valid (e.g. not "24:00") and time hasn't passed, except 00:00
        if ($ctime($date %t)) && (($istok(0:00 00:00,%t,32)) || ($ctime($date $time(HH:nn)) < $ctime($date %t))) {
          ; loop the channel(s) specified
          var %b = 1
          while ($gettok($4,%b,44)) {
            ; start a timer named ".radiotimer[TAB]<network>[TAB]<time>[TAB]<channel>[TAB]<keyword>"
            ; on execution the timer will call the alias "radiotimer.msg"
            ; (the alias in turn will get the required parameters <channel> and <keyword> out of the timer's name)
            $+(.timer,.radiotimer,$chr(9),$network,$chr(9),%t,$chr(9),$v1,$chr(9),$5) %t 1 0 radiotimer.msg
            inc %b
        inc %a

; menu to enable/disable the timers (of the current network / of all connected networks)
menu status,menubar {
  $iif(($status != connected),$style(2)) Radiotimer
  .$network $+([,$iif(($($+(%,radiotimer.,$network),2) == on),enabled,disabled),]))
  ..$iif(($($+(%,radiotimer.,$network),2) == on),disable,enable) timer(s) : { radiotimer.switch }
  .enable timer(s) on all connected networks { scon -at1 radiotimer.switch on }
  .disable timer(s) on all connected networks { scon -at1 radiotimer.switch off }

; switching routine (menu)
alias -l radiotimer.switch {
  ; set switch
  var %v = $+(%,radiotimer.,$network)
  set  $(%v) $iif($1,$v1,$iif(($(%v,2) == on),off,on))
  ; start/stop timers acc. to state of switch
  if ($(%v,2) == on) { radiotimer.set }
  else {
    $+(.timer.radiotimer,$chr(9),$network,$chr(9),*) off
    .timer.radiotimer.refresh. $+ $network off
  ECHO -s Radiotimer(s) for $network are now: $(%v,2)

; stop timers and delete variables on unload
on *:unload: { 
  .timer.radiotimer* off
  unset %radiotimer.*

Edit: typos eek