Only for those who are both interested and as disorganised as I am (with more than 25 remotes and/or aliases loaded):
Here's a modification of argv0's script (from the 2nd hotlink event onwards). It uses the "more" dialog to open the "right" file for more than 25 files, and loops only aliases OR remotes.
on $*:HOTLINK:/(\S+\.(mrc|ini))/:*:{ 
  var %filename = $regml(1)
  if ($regex(line,$hotline,\(line (\d+)\x2C %filename $+ \)$)) {
    var %index = 1, %type = $iif($script(%filename),R,$iif($alias(%filename),A)), %more 
    if (%type == A) { 
      if ($alias(0) > 25) { var %more = $true }
      else {
        while ($alias(%index)) { if ($v1 == $alias(%filename)) goto open | inc %index }
    elseif (%type == R) { 
      if ($script(0) > 25) { var %more = $true }
      else {      
        while ($script(%index)) { if ($v1 == $script(%filename)) goto open | inc %index }
    else { return }
  dec %index
  sendkeys $+(%,R%,%type)
  .timer -m 1 100 sendkeys % $!+ V $+($chr(123),$iif(%more,UP,DOWN %index),$chr(125),~)
  if (%more) { .timer -m 1 200 sendkeys $sendsafe(%filename) $+ ~ }
  .timer -m 1 300 sendkeys ^G $+ $regml(line,1) $+ ~+{END}

alias -l sendsafe { return $regsubex($1-,/(.)/g,$+($chr(123),\t,$chr(125))) }