Originally Posted By: Horstl
Here's a modification of argv0's script (from the 2nd hotlink event onwards).
I provided only the code parts I altered/added, it won't work without this part (sendkey alias and first hotlink event):
alias sendkeys { .comopen a WScript.Shell | .comclose a $com(a,SendKeys,3,*bstr,$$1-) }
on $^*:HOTLINK:/(\S+\.(mrc|ini))/:*: { 
  if (!$regex($hotline,\(line (\d+)\x2C $regml(1) $+ \)$)) halt

Also note that both scripts won't attempt to open the editor until you double-click the filename (something.mrc/-.ini) in the error message. You should see a different cursor icon if hovering over that part of that a line.