Originally Posted By: argv0
It's quite instantaneous here. Can you describe your system? mIRC version, scripts, etc?

The following will help answer some of the above questions:
//echo -a $md5($mircexe,2) $version $os $script(0) $dll(0)

Lastly, are all the windows maximized when you do this? If not, can you describe how your windows are setup? If the window needs to be maximized, you can expect a delay, there's not much mIRC can do about this.

2f63a83968f9586fe4fb48134253619c 6.35 Vista 0 0
Official mIRC.exe, version 6.35 without scripts nor DLL's loaded, lol.

The window is maximised in mIRC, and i'm not sure why I should expect a delay as you indicated.
If the window is the active window (which it is in my case) then the inputbox should take the focus.
It appears mIRC is not checking if the window is the active window and tries to change to itself, causing the issue

/editbox -fa
The above produces the same result

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