hmm.. yes i didn't think this so paste this and retry:

on !*:TEXT:*:?: {
  if ($istok($1-,%badwords,32)) {
    .enable #badword
    .whois $nick
    .msg $nick [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You are now added into my ignore list reason ( $+ $1- $+ )
    .ignore -p $nick | .closemsg $nick | .set %badword-nick $nick | .set %badword-say $1-
    .timer 1 3 .badword_inform

#badword off
raw 311:*: { .set %badnick-host $3 $+ @ $+ $4 }
#badword end

alias badword_inform {
  .echo $color(info) -ast 4[ $+ $color(info) $+ Warning4] $+ $color(info) $+ : The user  $+ %badword-nick $+  with address ( $+ %badnick-host $+ ) just told you the badword ( $+ %badword-say $+ ) and ignored!
  .unset %badword-*
  .disable #badword

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