Originally Posted By: sillyboy
Oh that good. Thanks!

btw do you have any idea for this,

Hi, if a user pm me with badword, How to get his/her host from his nick.

Its seems like if he/she on the channel then my script can get his/her host. If its from private message, i can't get his/she host.

on *:TEXT:*badword*:*:{
.ignore $nick
var %ip = $address($nick,2)
.msg $me %ip test

But if user pm me, i can't get the ip. So i need to whois them. lol

try using this code paste it into your remotes and remove the older

on !*:TEXT:*:?: {
  if ($istok($1-,%badwords,32)) {
    .msg $nick [ $+ $nick $+ ]: You are now added into my ignore list reason ( $+ $1- $+ )
    .ignore -p $nick | .closemsg $nick
    .timer 1 0 .echo $color(info) -at 4[ $+ $color(info) $+ Warning4] $+ $color(info) $+ : The user  $+ $nick $+  with address ( $+ $address($nick,2) $+ ) just told you the badword ( $+ $1- $+ ) and ignored!

ATTENTION: This remote is for private only and the user will be ignored only for sending you private messages!

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