Just recently, I downloaded a bot, DreamBot 5.1, for a channel I frequent. Going through its programs, I'm starting to understand how it's programmed and the ins and outs of the language for writing new commands for it. However, studying a language can only get me so far... I still only have half a clue of what I'm doing. So far, I've been able to program a new !fortune command into it, to get it to spit out a random fortune, which was a very simple thing to do, all I basically did was take one of its back talk responses and edit it into the games commands section. My next venture has been to program a new game into it, and my thoughts were either to try a hangman game or a Mastermind kind of game. However... since I'm only kind of aware of if I'm doing the right thing, I haven't had much luck yet.

;@@@ Mastermind @@@
on 1:text:*mastermind:#: {
  if (%!mastermind == on) {
    if ($1 == %c $+ mastermind) {
      if ($me !isvoice $chan) {
      MSG $chan Sorry, I've lost the privilege to speak. Try again later when I've been reactivated.
     set %fnum $rand(1,9)
     set %snum $rand(1,9)
     set %tnum $rand(1,9)
     set %hnum $rand(1,9)
     set %mnum %fnum $+ %snum $+ %tnum $+ %hnum
bt $chan The number is %mnum
on 1:text:*guess:#: {
  if ($1 == %c $+ guess) {
        if (%mnum == $null) { msg $chan I'm not thinking of a number yet. | halt }
        if ($2 !isnum 1000-9999 ) { msg $chan Enter a number between 1000 and 9999 | halt }
        if ($2 == %mnum ) { 
	msg $chan You win!
                unset %mnum | halt
        if ($2 != %mnum { msg $chan Guess again! | halt }

Hmm, I think I grabbed some extra }'s at the end there...

Anyways, I know that code is hideously mangled and nowhere near right, but I think I'm doing alright, considering I just started learning this about three days ago. I'd like to continue learning this and get this crap working, so I'll finally get to my point...

Can anyone link me to a place where I can learn this programming language for mIRC?