Back once again, the mastermind code you suggested worked perfectly, qwerty, that game is running smoothly now. I also finished up a craps game, which was far easier to program. I've gotten a better handle on the language over the past few weeks, and started to tinker around with the programs that came with the bot. One of them is a timebomb program, in which it kicks a person unless they're able to !snip a randomly selected wire from a randomly selected number of wires. I inserted the if statement to reset the code to 32 if it happens to come up 1, screwing them over instead of giving them a free pass, but it's not quite working yet. There's a lot more involved in this program, but this is the only part that could be going wrong...

  else {
    set %timeBombDuration $rand(%permTimebombMinimumDuration,%permTimebombMaximumDuration)
    set %TimebombTargetNick %timeBombNick
    set %TimebombTargetChan %timeBombChan
    set %timeBombnumberOfWires $rand(1,%permTimebombMaxWireCount)
    if (%timeBombnumberOfWires == 1) { set %timeBombnumberOfWires 32 }
    var %TimebombTempWireChoices %permTimebombWireChoices
    var %TimebombINC 1
    while (%TimebombINC <= %timeBombnumberOfWires) {
      var %TimebombCurrentWire = $gettok(%TimebombTempWireChoices,$rand(1,%timeBombnumberOfWires),32)
      var %TimebombTempWireChoices = $remtok(%TimebombTempWireChoices,%TimebombCurrentWire,1,32)
      var %TimebombSelectedWires = $addtok(%TimebombSelectedWires,%TimebombCurrentWire,32)
      inc %TimebombINC
    set %TimeBombCorrectWire $gettok(%TimebombSelectedWires,$rand(1,$numtok(%TimebombSelectedWires,32)),32)
    set %timeBomblistOfWires They are %TimebombSelectedWires $+ .

permTimebombWireChoices is a list of 34 different colors, space deliminated. When I was testing it, I had it rigged to always come up as 1 to be reset to 32, and that was working, it was telling me I had 32 wires. However, when it displayed the colors, I'd get anywhere from 6 to 14 colors, never the full 32. The only thing I can think of is that it's somehow choosing nothing as the color and adding nothing to the list, but that shouldn't be possible due to the $remtok in the loop. I feel like I've come here too often for help already, but... What's gone wrong this time?