Yepp, it will. Note that at the moment it won't delay the output of the lines itself - so if you want to send a large list (a dozen lines), the script may count the lines and delay each line with a timer:
on 20:text:.scripts:#:{
  var %cnt = 1, %scripts, %lines = 0
  ; loop scripts
  while ($script(%cnt)) {
    ; add the currently processed script to the variable
    var %scripts = %scripts $+(,$base($rand(3,15),10,10,2),$nopath($v1))
    ; if the variable reached a certain length: output, clear variable
    if ($len(%scripts) > 250) {
      .timer 1 %lines msg $chan SCRIPTS: %scripts
      var %scripts
      inc %lines
    inc %cnt
  ; all scripts processed. if there is remaining data in the variable: output
  if (%scripts) { .timer 1 %lines msg $chan SCRIPTS: %scripts }