on *:text:!scripts:#:{
  var %cnt = $script(0)
  while (%cnt) {
    var %scripts = $nopath($script(%cnt)) %scripts
    dec %cnt
  msg $chan %scripts

Or, if you want it easier to read, you can add colors:
on *:text:!scripts:#:{
  var %cnt = $script(0)
  while (%cnt) {
    var %scripts =  $+ $rand(3,15) $nopath($script(%cnt)) %scripts
    dec %cnt
  msg $chan %scripts

Keep in mind that either method will have problems if you have too many scripts loaded -- * /set : line too long or whatever the error is. However, you'll need either a LOT of scripts loaded or else really long filenames for them. I have 31 loaded and it works fine and that's more scripts than most people keep loaded.

Invision Support
#Invision on