
Ive been using dialogs for quite a while now, and am quite familar with them, but im having a bit of a weird issue at the moment, in that i have 2 sets of enable/disable radio checkboxes (to turn on/off different features), in the same tab, but under different "boxes" The problem im having is that when they turn click enable/disable for one of the features, the radio boxes for the second feature automatically become unchecked (as if the 4 were all for the same group, rather than it being 2 different sets of radio boxes) Im not exactly sure how mirc determines if they are of the same "set" (for want of a better word), and if this is somethign i can fix, or rather if i have to script something in that so when they click a radio box, the script auto determines which radio's should be checked in the other set, and do it manually.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.