Originally Posted By: hCK
* /ban: invalid parameters (line 7, Kdnk Commands.ini)
that's only the error sir..

Sorry, my fault. Change the code to...
on @*:TEXT:!ban *:#channel:{
  if ($$2 ison $chan) && ($$3 isnum) {
    if ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick) >= $3) {
      ban -ku $+ $calc($3 *60) $chan $2 2 $iif($4,$4-,banned)
      write -ls $+ $nick $nick $calc($v1 - $3)
      if ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick) == 0) {
        mode $chan -aoh $nick $nick $nick
        notice $nick You have 0 mps left. You cannot use the !ban and !kick commands anymore.
    else { notice $nick Sorry, you do not have enough points. }
  else { notice $nick Sorry, the format is: !ban nick time reason }