Originally Posted By: 5618
[Give me a few mins to change this post...]

I've tried to write you something.
Please note that this code uses the format: !ban nick [reason] (reason being optional)
It does NOT allow the person who bans to define the amount of "mps" that is subtracted from his total. I do not see what use that would serve, since a person can keep banning with a value of zero (!ban nick 0 reason) and never lose banning privileges.
As it is a person gets 900 points and loses 100 for every ban.

On a side note:
- this won't keep people from getting their &/@/% back
- people can still ban via the IRCd (/mode #channel +b nick) unless you have that blocked
- banning nick!*@* is very very easy to evade. A person just has to change his nick to get back into the channel. Instead of "mode $chan +b $2 $+ !*@*" I'd recommend "mode $chan +b $address($2,2)"

on *:TEXT:!refresh *:#channel:{
  if (~ isin $nick($chan,$nick).pnick) && ($$2 ison $chan) { write -ls $+ $v1 mplist.txt $2 900 }
on @*:TEXT:!mp:#channel:{
  if ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick) { .notice $nick You have $v1 mps left. }
on @*:TEXT:!ban *:#channel:{
  if ($$2 ison $chan) && ($read(mplist.txt,s,$nick)) {
    mode $chan +b $2 $+ !*@*
    kick $chan $2 $iif($3,$3-,banned)
    write -ls $+ $nick $nick $calc($v1 -100)
    if (!$read(mplist.txt,s,$nick)) {
      mode $chan -aoh $nick $nick $nick
      notice $nick You have 0 mps left. You cannot use the !ban and !kick commands anymore.
  else { notice $nick Sorry, you are out of points }

ahmmm sir, there is an error in !mp
* /if: invalid format (line 53, Kdnk Commands.ini)
i don't how to fixed it
but thanks for your fast reply.