The only condition on where the commands are to be entered, is that the bot must be on/in the same channel/room.

Just noticed a problem in the code. Change
on *:text:!*:#:{
  if $istok($hget(Badchan,$+($network,.,$chan)),$nick,44) {
    if $1 == !addchan {    chan add $strip($2-)  }
    elseif $1 == !remchan {    chan rem $strip($2-)  }
on *:text:!*:#:{
  if $istok($hget(Badchan,$+(oh.,$network,.,$chan)),$nick,44) {
    tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
    if $1 == !addchan {    chan add $strip($2-)  }
    elseif $1 == !remchan {    chan rem $strip($2-)  }

I think that should resolve your issue of the commands not being recognized.

Last edited by RusselB; 12/12/08 02:40 AM.