on *:input:*:{
if $1 == !addchan { chan add $strip($2-) }
elseif $1 == !remchan { chan rem $strip($2-) }
on *:text:!*:*:{
if $istok($($+(%,op.,$network,.,$chan),2),$nick,32) {
if $1 == !addchan { chan add $strip($2-) }
elseif $1 == !remchan { chan rem $strip($2-) }
on *:start:{
if !$hget(badchan) { .hmake badchan 100 }
if $exists($scriptdirbadchan.hsh) { .hload badchan $scriptdirbadchan.hsh }
.scon -at1 checkops
on *:exit:{
.hsave badchan $scriptdirbadchan.hsh
on *:disconnect:{
.hsave badchan $scriptdirbadchan.hsh
alias -l checkops {
var %b = $chan(0)
while %b {
var %c = $nick($chan(%b),0,oh)
while %c {
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $addtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$nick($chan(%b),%c,oh),44)
dec %c
dec %b
alias chan {
if $1 == add {
if !$2 {
.msg $nick Usage !addchan #channel_1,#channel_2,#channel_3 Message
.msg $nick Multiple channels can be specified by comma separating them.
.msg $nick A common message regarding all specified channels can be entered by separating the message from the channels with a space.
else {
var %a = $numtok($2,44)
while %a {
.hadd -m Badchan $gettok($2,%a,44) $iif($3-,$3-,Bad Channel)
dec %a
elseif $1 == rem {
if !$2 {
.msg $nick Usage !remchan #channel_1,#channel_2,#channel_3
.msg $nick Multiple channels can be specified by comma separating them.
else {
var %a = $numtok($2,44)
while %a {
.hdel Badchan $gettok($2,%a,44)
dec %a
on *:join:#:{
var %ohchan = $chan
.enable #ohnotice
.whois $nick
#ohnotice off
raw 318:*:{
.disable #ohnotice
raw 319:*:{
var %a = $numtok($3-,32)
while $hget(Badchan,$gettok($3-,%a,32)) {
.notice $($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,%ohchan),2) $2 is also on $gettok($3-,%a,32) with a warning message of $hget(Badchan,$gettok($3-,%a,32))
dec %a
#ohnotice end
on *:op:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $addtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$opnick,44)
on *:help:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $addtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$hnick,44)
on *:deop:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$opnick,1,44)
on *:dehelp:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$hnick,1,44)
on *:quit:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$nick,1,44)
on *:part:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$nick,1,44)
on *:kick:#:{
set $+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,ohnotice,$network,.,$chan),2),$knick,1,44)