The result I posted above from wireshark was from MTec007's first test script about 6 lines up.

The original script was definately working as I have been running it fine for about 6-8 months on XP.

here is the original, working 100% in XP script snippet. Even more of it this time smile

; Get TV Data
alias GetTVData {
  sockopen checktv 80

on *:sockopen:checktv: {
    sockwrite checktv GET $+ %checktv $+ &exact=1 $+ $crlf

on *:sockread:checktv: {
  ;if (. !isin $read(release.txt, 9)) { halt }
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %data
  sockread %data
  set $gettok(%data,2,64)
  while ((!$sockerr) && ($sockbr)) { = $+ %data
    sockread %data
    if (url isin %data) { set %show.url $gettok(%data,2,64) }
    if (country isin %data) { set $gettok(%data,2,64) }
    if (classification isin %data) { set %show.type $gettok(%data,2,64) }
    if (genres isin %data) { set %show.genres $replace($remove($gettok(%data,2,64),$chr(32)),$chr(124),.) }
    if (premiered isin %data) { set %show.prem $gettok(%data,2,64) }
    if (status isin %data) { set %show.status $gettok(%data,2,64) }
on *:sockclose:checktv:{

  if ( %show.type != "" && %show.type != $null ) {
    writeini -n %extradatafile TV %prerls $+( %show.type, $chr(124),, $chr(124), %show.genres, $chr(124), %show.prem, $chr(124), %show.status )
  unset %checktv*
  unset %show*

I will try your other suggestions as well. Thanks for all the help.