Joe_Dean Thanks for the suggestion. I do have a sockopen line a bit further up.
 sockopen checktv 80

on *:sockopen:checktv: {
  sockwrite checktv GET quickinfo.php?show= $+ %checktv $+ &exact=1 $+ $crlf $+(HTTP/1.0,$crlf,User-Agent: WaTech,$crlf,Accept:) $+(*/*,$crlf,Host:)

DJ_Sol, I tried what you suggested, as above, but it still isnt working.

It seems that it is not able to connect to the internet on port 80. No idea why this is seeing as it worked on XP, and my firewall is off, and, I havent changed anything on the router. (And I can access the webpage on port 80 through a browser..)

Last edited by Erra; 10/12/08 08:54 AM.