Ok, right now it's looping through the entire value using $gettok, and if $2 isin or matches the current IP, spits out their name.

Only problem is if someone has numerous IP's in the range you specify, it spits their name out the same amount of times as the number of matching IP's they have. For example:

User 'Joe_Dean' has these IP's:,,

I type, !searchip 1.2 and the script finds 3 IP's that match the range I specified. It repeats their name 3 times.

So my question is, how do I halt scanning through all their IP's AFTER it finds the first match? Kinda hard putting a halt in the script because it will halt out wanted information...


Also, how do I add and error to each if no match is found? If I put an else statement right after the 'if ($2 $+ .* iswm...', then it would say "no matches found" if the current IP doesn't match but the rest possibly could. So I'd need an elseif to determine when the script has reached the last IP in the value. Not sure how to do that...