genius_at_work, it's a good idea but it'd be too much work. The INI has almost 2,000 lines and adding that much information to a hash table the way you're describing would take a long time.

This is what my hash table looks like:
Table: userips
Items: <nicks> (almost 2,000 nicks to be exact)
Values: IP(s) (which are separated by commas if there are multiple IP's)

So say if I did !searchip <nick>, I would use $hget(userips,$2) which would return all the IP's that user has used.

But the part I can't get working is if you search for an IP, it should return the nick (or the item name in the table). For example: !searchip

...would return all item names that have anywhere in the value. I don't want to return the number of items (which btw still didn't work, I tried using what you said and it returned 0 when I searched for my IP and my IP exists in many items), but I want to return the actual name of the item.