Hey all, I am sorting out some of my dialogs and came across my main control panel which I had put in some "Items" but I can't seem to enable my #groups which I used to enable via a check box.

dialog control {
  title "Control Panel"
  size -1 -1 187 109
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 2 174 93, size
  list 3, 0 96 174 11, size
  menu "File", 2
  item "Intro Music", 5, 2
  item "Sound Effects", 6, 2
  item "Notify Sounds", 7, 2
  item break, 12, 2
  item "Coloured Nicks", 8, 2
  item "Op Grabber", 9, 2
  item break, 13, 2
  item "Exit", 10, 2
  menu "Help", 4
  item "Credits", 11, 4

If you could show me an example for "Intro Music" that would be fantastic!

This is the code from the check box options:

on *:dialog:control:sclick:100:{
  if ($did(100).state == 0) { .disable #tunes }
  elseif ($did(100).state == 1) { .enable #tunes }
on *:Dialog:control:init:0: {
  if ($group(#tunes) == on) { did -c $dname 100 }

#tunes off
on *:start:{ splay music.wav | Halt }
#tunes end

