This one uses variables for nick storage and does the same thing instead of the text file:

on *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($nick != $me) && ($chan == #chat18+) { 
    if ($istok(%Users,$nick,44)) { describe # Hey $nick $+ , welcome back. :) }
    else { describe # Hello $nick $+ , welcome to $chan $+ . May we have your age please? }
menu nicklist {
  Add user: {
    if ($1 isin %Users) { echo 4 -a * User $1 has already been added. } 
    else { set %Users $addtok(%Users,$1,44) | echo 2 -a * $1 added to the list. }
  Delete user: { 
    if ($1 !isin %Users) { echo 4 -a * User $1 does not exist. } 
    else { 
      set %Users $remtok(%Users,$1,1,44) | echo 2 -a * User $1 has been removed from the list. 

Also a delete feature is added so you can remove nicknames stored that you don't want anymore.

Last edited by Tomao; 01/11/08 07:13 AM.