Originally Posted By: RusselB

alias msg2 {
  if $chan && $$1 {
    var %a = 1, %b = $nick($chan,0)
    while %a <= %b {
      set %msg2 $addtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),44)
      var %c = 0, %d = 19
      while %c <= %d {
        if $protect($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        if $ignore($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        inc %c
      inc %a
    .msg %msg2 $1-

Usage: /msg2 common message here

I get this error:
* /set: line too long (line 557, script.ini)

I don't understand about the protect reference, you may tell me what to do about this, thanks

Last edited by nataliad; 18/08/08 01:21 AM.