sorry, i try to use that script but it doesn't work...
i use that script for my bot at Warcraft III PVPGN Server channel with mirc...

this is my script for my operator...
on 999:text:!ops*:?: {
  //msg $nick $2 Command for Operator...
  //msg $nick $2 Command Ban : /w Gonjos !Ban [Username] [time] [information]

and this is the command for my bot...
on 999:text:!ban*:?: { 
  /raw ban $2 $4- (Duration: $3 $+ ) (by OP: $nick $+ )
  /raw lockacct $2
  /writeini -n status.ini Status $2 Status : Banned
  /writeini -n status.ini Date $2 Date : $date(dd-mm-yyyy)
  /writeini -n status.ini Time $2 Time : $time(HH:nn)
  /writeini -n status.ini Duration $2 Duration : $3
  /writeini -n status.ini Information $2 Information : $4-
  /writeini -n status.ini by $2 by Operator : $nick
  /timer 1 $3 /raw unban $2
  /timer 1 $3 /raw unlockacct $2
  /timer 1 $3 /writeini -n status.ini Status $2 Status : Un-Banned
  /timer 1 $3 /writeini -n status.ini Information $2 Information : Your ID has been Un-Banned

but when i restart my mirc...that script will failed to auto unban...

can you help me to set that script so if i want to restart the mirc, the script still can to auto unban...

sorry if my english to from indonesia so i can speak english just a little... blush i hope you can understand..thanks