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Posted By: xCypherx Auto Unban - 06/01/05 05:24 PM
If any one will be so kind?? could it When i am banned it waits two seconds then sends to chanserv /cs unban #channel so its auto please? smile

Thanks in advance Cypher
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 05:30 PM
on @!*:ban:#:{
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { .timer 1 2 cs unban $chan $v1 }
Posted By: xCypherx Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 06:04 PM
on @!*:ban:#:{
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { .timer 1 2 cs unban $chan $v1 }

Very Very Helpfull but how do i auto join channel again after it unbanned me?
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 06:27 PM
on @!*:ban:#:{
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { 
    .timer 1 2 cs unban $chan $v1 
    .timer 1 3 if ( $me !ison $chan ) { join $chan }
Posted By: xCypherx Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 06:37 PM
on @!*:ban:#:{
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { 
    .timer 1 2 cs unban $chan $v1 
    .timer 1 3 if ( $me !ison $chan ) { join $chan }

Thanks alot but the auto join dont work frown after it unbans me i want it to join right away no wait

Thanks in Advance Cypher
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 06:41 PM
on @!*:ban:#:{
  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { 
    .timer 1 2 cs unban $chan $v1 $chr(124) if ( $me !ison $chan ) { join $chan }

Make sure you paste the script in as you see it, syntax is important for this script.
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 06:43 PM
/help $banmask
/help Nick and Address Identifiers.
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: Auto Unban - 06/01/05 07:01 PM
Since we are positive that your services are ChanServ, the best way to rejoin the channel is upon receiving the message that you are unbanned, rather than to use a timer.

Btw why do you only want to unban yourself after 2 seconds?

Anyway, this will do exactly as you want: when you get banned, after 2 seconds you will ask chanserv to unban you, and when chanserv does this, you will autojoin immediately, that is if you aren't on the channel already.

on @!*:BAN:#: if $banmask iswm $address($me,5) { .timer 1 2 cs unban # $!me }

on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if $nick == ChanServ && $me !ison $6 && *bans* $me *cleared* iswm $1- { join $6 }
Posted By: gonjos Re: Auto Unban - 27/07/08 08:13 AM
help me please....if i want to set auto unban after 14 days??

can i see the code???thx before
Posted By: RusselB Re: Auto Unban - 27/07/08 05:32 PM
on *:op:#:{
  if $opnick == $me {
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $ibl($chan,0) {
      if $calc($ctime - $ibl($chan,%a).ctime) > 1209600 {
        .mode -b $chan $ibl($chan,%a)
    else {
      .timer 1 $calc($v2 - $v1) .mode $safe($chan) -b $ibl($chan,%a)
    inc %a
on *:ban:#:{
  .timer 1 1209600 .mode -b $safe($chan) $banmask
alias safe return $!decode( $encode($1,m) ,m)

Safe alias provided courtesy of Qwerty.
Posted By: Typos Re: Auto Unban - 28/07/08 08:34 AM
RusselB must have been in a hurry so Ill explain the code for him incase anyone wants to know.

It sets a timer when you ban the person to unban them in 14 days.
Since there is a darn good chance you wont stay connected or even have mirc open that long he also added some backups. Every time you are opped in a channel it checks every entry in the ban list and if it has been more than 14 days it unbanes them but if not it sets a timer to unset it in the remaining time it had.
So, if you restarted mirc and connected and were opped in #channel and #channel had one user who was banned 7 days ago, it will set a timer to unban that user in 7 days so they will have served the whole 14 days.

This is a pretty good system except for the fact that you can be reopped in a channel without having disconnected so this code can end up having multiple timers for each entry.

To fix this problem I will edit his code to include a name in the timer that uses the channel name and banned address and then if it is setting a timer that already exists it will just overwrite it instead of making a duplicate.

Also, while it may appear that the brackets are off and the else line and inc %a are outside the while loop it was just the way he wrote it, its actually just fine.

Anyone using the code should consider changing the # in the events to a specific channel. Don't forget you can do multiple channels by seperating with a comma like
on *:text:!trigger:#testing,#anotherchannel:{ commands }

Heres the new code with the timer line changed to name the timer so we can avoid multiple timers for each entry stacking up.
on *:op:#:{
  if $opnick == $me {
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $ibl($chan,0) {
      if $calc($ctime - $ibl($chan,%a).ctime) > 1209600 {
        .mode -b $chan $ibl($chan,%a)
    else {
      .timer $+ $chan $+ $ibl($chan,%a) 1 $calc($v2 - $v1) .mode $safe($chan) -b $ibl($chan,%a)
    inc %a
on *:ban:#:{
  .timer 1 1209600 .mode -b $safe($chan) $banmask
alias safe return $!decode( $encode($1,m) ,m)

Good luck.
Posted By: RusselB Re: Auto Unban - 28/07/08 11:08 PM
Thanks for the explanation of my code... as you noted, I was in a bit of a hurry. Now to further implement the usage of the named timers that you were nice enough to start (and I'm a bit surprised that you didn't do this), here's the code with the named timer also being used in the on ban event, to ensure that a double timer isn't set
on *:op:#:{
  if $opnick == $me {
    var %a = 1
    while %a <= $ibl($chan,0) {
      if $calc($ctime - $ibl($chan,%a).ctime) > 1209600 {
        .mode -b $chan $ibl($chan,%a)
    else {
      $+(.timer,$chan,$ibl($chan,%a)) 1 $calc($v2 - $v1) .mode $safe($chan) -b $ibl($chan,%a)
    inc %a
on *:ban:#:{
  $+(.timer,$chan,$banmask) 1 1209600 .mode -b $safe($chan) $banmask
alias safe return $!decode( $encode($1,m) ,m)

Posted By: gonjos Re: Auto Unban - 02/08/08 07:40 PM
thanks a lot...first, i will open my dictionary to translate ...after that i will try de code to my irc...thank you so much
Posted By: RusselB Re: Auto Unban - 02/08/08 08:59 PM
For scripting purposes, to my knowledge, there is no difference as to what language you use. ie: A script for someone in the United States, where English/American is spoken will work without modification (unless there's specific text being presented), with a copy of mIRC that is being used by someone in Greece.
Posted By: gonjos Re: Auto Unban - 08/08/08 09:07 AM
sorry, i try to use that script but it doesn't work...
i use that script for my bot at Warcraft III PVPGN Server channel with mirc...

this is my script for my operator...
on 999:text:!ops*:?: {
  //msg $nick $2 Command for Operator...
  //msg $nick $2 Command Ban : /w Gonjos !Ban [Username] [time] [information]

and this is the command for my bot...
on 999:text:!ban*:?: { 
  /raw ban $2 $4- (Duration: $3 $+ ) (by OP: $nick $+ )
  /raw lockacct $2
  /writeini -n status.ini Status $2 Status : Banned
  /writeini -n status.ini Date $2 Date : $date(dd-mm-yyyy)
  /writeini -n status.ini Time $2 Time : $time(HH:nn)
  /writeini -n status.ini Duration $2 Duration : $3
  /writeini -n status.ini Information $2 Information : $4-
  /writeini -n status.ini by $2 by Operator : $nick
  /timer 1 $3 /raw unban $2
  /timer 1 $3 /raw unlockacct $2
  /timer 1 $3 /writeini -n status.ini Status $2 Status : Un-Banned
  /timer 1 $3 /writeini -n status.ini Information $2 Information : Your ID has been Un-Banned

but when i restart my mirc...that script will failed to auto unban...

can you help me to set that script so if i want to restart the mirc, the script still can to auto unban...

sorry if my english to bad...im from indonesia so i can speak english just a little... blush i hope you can understand..thanks
Posted By: RusselB Re: Auto Unban - 08/08/08 09:49 AM
When you re-started mIRC (technically when you disconnected mIRC from the network), all online timers were automatically disabled, so none of the /timer commands in your script would still be running.

Do you have any of the following events:

If so, please post the code(s), as these are the areas where the unban command would have to be issued from for it to work upon a restart.
Posted By: mbab Re: Auto Unban - 09/08/08 07:37 PM
alias id { nickserv identify password}

alias bancheck {
if ( $chan($1).ibl == $true ) {
var %c = 1
while ( %c <= $ibl( $1,0 ) ) {
var %w = $ibl($1,%c)
if ( %w iswm ~r: $+ $fullname ) {
mode $1 -b %w
if ( ~c: isin %w ) {
if ( $right( %w,-3 ) ischan ) {
mode $1 -b %w
if ( %w iswm $address( $me,5 ) ) {
mode $1 -b %w
inc %c
else { halt }

on *:INVITE:#: {
if ( $fulladdress == ChanServ!services@services.utonet.org ) {
join $chan

on *:KICK:*: {
if ($knick == $me) {
cs invite $chan

on *:JOIN:#: {
if ( $nick == $me ) {
mode $chan +b
.timer $+ $chan -m 1 250 /bancheck $chan

on *:RAWMODE:#: {
if ( *-*o* iswm $1 ) && ( $me isin $2- ) {
chanserv op $chan $me
if ( *-*q* iswm $1 ) && ( $me isin $2- ) {
if ( *-*a* iswm $1 ) && ( $me isin $2- ) {
chanserv protect $chan $me
if (*-*h* iswm $1) && ( $me isin $2- ) {
chanserv halfop $chan $me
if (*-*v* iswm $1) && ( $me isin $2- ) {
chanserv voice $chan $me
if (*+*b* iswm $1) {
.timer $+ $chan -m 1 250 /bancheck $chan


Just put your password in first line.Using this script and its working ok:)
Posted By: RusselB Re: Auto Unban - 10/08/08 03:56 AM
In future, when posting code, please use the Code Tags button (looks like #)
Posted By: mbab Re: Auto Unban - 12/08/08 07:08 PM
[/code]Oh sorry.Sure np:)[code]
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