Originally Posted By: mths

fyi, doing userhost results in a server-notice if the user if an oper hat has enabled a special umode (normally +W). So I'd warn such a user and kill them if they do not stop using this kind of scripts.

No it doesn't... just throws a server notice on /whois... not on /userhost. Listen... these Mac clients don't have the option to disable it, neither does my script. I've NEVER EVER EVER have been notified by sending /userhost commands repeatedly. EVER.

And DO NOT USE /WHO <channel> to fill the IAL. /userhost is far more efficient. Using /userhost uses 1/5th the bandwidth versus /who... and you can control the I/O rate.

Seriously... just try using /who <channel> on a channel with many hundreds of users. You'll be disconnected by the server. The whole reason why I would like mIRC to send /userhost commands automatically is to stop people from using /who <channel>. And no, using /userhost in moderation does not put excessive stress on the server. I've connected at 2400bps using the /userhost technique, it's not even noticable at that low speed.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!