Originally Posted By: RoCk

I've seen it done for /userhost too. It was probably Unreal.

~ Edit ~

How do you figure that using /userhost instead of /who uses 1/5 the bandwidth? If you join a channel of 100 users and send a /who request, that's just 1 request with 100 replies. If you use /userhost that would be 100 requests with 100 replies. I don't think mIRC should auto fill the IAL at all, it's just not important enough to have ALL of the addresses as soon as you join the channel. The average user would not need the addresses at all, let alone get them automatically as soon as they join the channel. The more advanced user can script it.

Because you get up to five users per line... here is an actual example...

USERHOST BatmanX carlosp coffeecat cookiem0nsta dan--
USERHOST DerekS Dr_Stein DShadow esqueamio FarmerJoe
USERHOST Hallje hb ircleuser999 kev- Ke^in
USERHOST leba Lisa MacGOD MacServ MReedB
USERHOST NDPMacBook NDPTAL85 piv ScreamuS SFaulken
:Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.org 302 ircleuser999 :BatmanX=+~mhaque@ carlosp=+~carlosp@c-98-218-20-53.hsd1.md.comcast.net coffeecat=+~cookie@ cookiem0nsta=+~cookie@c-67-183-75-224.hsd1.wa.comcast.net dan--=+~dan@dlieberman.users.undernet.org

:Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.org 302 ircleuser999 :DerekS=-~dereks@DerekS.users.undernet.org Dr_Stein=+~Dr_Stein@heap.pbp.net DShadow=+~dshadow@static-71-246-204-84.washdc.fios.verizon.net esqueamio=+~Squeam@squeams.users.undernet.org FarmerJoe=+~FarmerJoe@farmerjoe.users.undernet.org
:Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.org 302 ircleuser999 :Hallje=+hallje@hallje.users.undernet.org hb=+ed@ohno.mrbill.net ircleuser999=+~likfyr@ip72-200-68-53.tc.ph.cox.net kev-=+~kev@penguinmilitia.net Ke^in=+~pigsinzen@lagging.users.undernet.org
:Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.org 302 ircleuser999 :leba=+~leba@ Lisa=-~Lisa@geekgrrl.users.undernet.org MacGOD=+~macgod@static-71-246-204-85.washdc.fios.verizon.net MacServ=+~MacServ@viper.haque.net MReedB*=+mreedb@MReedB.users.undernet.org
:Vancouver.BC.CA.Undernet.org 302 ircleuser999 :NDPMacBook=+~ndpmacboo@207-180-136-61.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com NDPTAL85=+~ndptal85@NDPTAL85.users.undernet.org piv=+~wam@ool-4572a621.dyn.optonline.net ScreamuS=+~ScreaM@lns-bzn-61-82-250-116-212.adsl.proxad.net SFaulken=+~ngydtip@SFaulken.users.undernet.org

Listen... Ircle has ALWAYS done this. As does just about every Mac client.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!