What he gave you was *an example*, just like you gave him *an example*. You can take it from there and implement his idea with your data.

In any case, here is code that you can modify to get what you need, similar to the code you were given in #mIRC a few days back:

on ^$*:TEXT:/^‹‹(\S+)›› ‹‹(dvdr-nordic)››/S:#: {
  var %color = 10
  echo -tm # < $+ $nick $+ > $+(‹‹,$chr(3),%color,$regml(1),$chr(3),››) $&
    $+(‹‹,$chr(3),%color,$regml(2),$chr(3),››) $+($chr(3),%color,$3,$chr(3)) $4-

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"