on *:text:*SYS*:#FFXVI:{
  if (FFbot isin $nick) && ($len($5) == 32) && ($did(systok,28).state == 1) {
    var %sys = $findtok(000106 000146 000506 000696 000700 000800 000914,$+($2,$3),32)
    if ($($+(% $+ sys.bk,%sys),2) != $5) { 
      .write backup.txt $v1 $date(mm/dd)
      set %sys.bk $+ %sys  $5
      did -rab systok $gettok(12 13 14 15 3 11 39,%sys,32) $v1
      echo 4 -a $v1 changed 

The code is here, as you can see the check for the PID to see if its different works, setting it up in my variables work, and when it comes down too adding to my dialog nadda.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }