
; - !quotes!cript...

on *:text:!quote*:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,8)) == Quote.Ban) { return }
  else var %who = $nick

  if (%quote.delay) {
    .msg $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
  else {
    var %delay = $rand(25,35)
    set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay

  if ($chan) {
    if (!$istok(#filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
    var %who = $chan

  if ($2) {
    if ($2 !isnum) {
      window -h
      loadbuf -r quotes.txt
      var %quote.temp $fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
      if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
        var %i = 1,%quote.match
        while ($fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
          %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
          inc %i
        msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
        window -c
      elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
      else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
    else {

      if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
      msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes!: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  else {

    msg %who $read(quotes.txt)

on *:text:!addquote*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick You need to include a quote to add. }
  if (%quote.delay) {
    .msg $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
  else {
    var %delay = $rand(25,35)
    set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  write quotes.txt $2-

menu nicklist {
  !Quote Ban: auser Quote.Ban $address($snick($chan,1),8)

on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    var %who = $iif($chan,$chan,$me)
    if ($chan) {
      if (!$istok(#filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }

    if ($2) {
      if ($2 !isnum) {
        window -h
        loadbuf -r quotes.txt
        var %quote.temp $fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
        if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
          var %i = 1,%quote.match
          while ($fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
            %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
            inc %i
          msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
          window -c
        elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
        else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
      else {
        if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
        msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
    else {

      msg %who $read(quotes.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes!: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  elseif ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You need to include a quote to add. }
    else write quotes.txt $2-

on *:text:!help:#: { 

  if (%quote.delay) {
    .msg $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
  else {
    var %delay = $rand(25,35)
    set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay

  msg $nick Available commands: !quote, !quotes, !quote "number", and !addquote "quote" - Author. And: !quote "word" to search...


Not sure if I need all that, but it works perfectly now!

At least I hope it cannot be abused more. :p It should perhaps be some flood protect on the "please try again after random delay" ...

Is there a simple way to make it only be sent one time, for each user?

  if (%quote.delay) {
    .msg $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
  else {
    var %delay = $rand(25,35)
    set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay

...that part I mean.

As it is now, I guess people can do like this:

[16:14:25] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:25] <Curious> "ONLY the INDIVIDUAL may separate from the/a WHOLE ... "
[16:14:25] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:26] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:26] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:26] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:26] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:27] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:27] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:27] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:27] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:28] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:28] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:28] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:28] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:29] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:29] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:29] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs
[16:14:29] <IAmPartOf> !quote
[16:14:29] <Curious> Please try again after random delay of: 30secs

But, I do not know if that will disconnect me or not..

I shall play around with (!%antiflood) some more. But please help if any of you can think of a simple sulution. smile

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.