How can I make it so that this script only work in the main channels.. And not in private window with me?

This person who do not even say who he is, found my script, and is in bad need of attention or something, thus he spam me every chance he got.. (He seems to own like 30-50 individual bot's or got freinds 'helping' him..) I ignore them all now, but it might not help in the long run.. And it is so borning to ignore them one by one..

I have done ANYTHING now to see if I could make the spam protect that already is in the script work for the private MSG window to. But, I only mess up the rest of the script..

I got it working again now after messing it up when trying to add the spam protect function to the privat window, but there is probably much unused code in there, as I do not really know much coding..

So forget the spam protect I aksed for in my other post (unless you happen to know how to do it), and just tell me how to disable the private part of the script? So that one HAS to type it in a #channel, to be able to get a quote from me..

Please? smile



; - !Quotescript...

on *:text:!quote*:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,8)) == Quote.Ban) { return }
  else var %who = $nick
  if ($chan) {
    if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #mensa #sirstargazer #quote #quotes #freethought #spiritual #4threich #normal #spirit! #asylum #♥ #astral #br1 #TheSpot #philosophy #philosophy! #Invision #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #immortal-technique #felles #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism #christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt #3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
    var %who = $chan
    if (%quote.delay) {
      .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay) - Or use !"commands" in a PM.
    else {
      var %delay = $rand(5,25)
      set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  if ($2) {

    if (%quote.delay) {
      .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
    else {
      var %delay = $rand(5,25)
      set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay

    if ($2 !isnum) {
      window -h
      loadbuf -r quotes.txt
      var %quote.temp $fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
      if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
        var %i = 1,%quote.match
        while ($fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
          %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
          inc %i
        msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
        window -c
      elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
      else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
    else {

      if (%quote.delay) {
        .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
      else {
        var %delay = $rand(25,55)
        set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay

      if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
      msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)

on *:text:!addquote*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick You need to include a quote to add. }
  if (%quote.delay) {
    .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay)
  else {
    var %delay = $rand(5,25)
    set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  write quotes.txt $2-

menu nicklist {
  !Quote Ban: auser Quote.Ban $address($snick($chan,1),8)

on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    var %who = $iif($chan,$chan,$me)
    if ($chan) {
      if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #sirstargazer #♥ #freethought #quote #quotes #spiritual #mensa #asylum #4threich #spirit! #normal #astral #br1 #TheSpot #philosophy #philosophy! #Invision #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #felles #immortal-technique #felles #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism #christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt #3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
      if (%quote.delay) {
        echo -a Please try again after $duration(%quote.delay) or use !quote in a PM.
      else {
        var %delay = $rand(3,5)
        set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 !isnum) {
        window -h
        loadbuf -r quotes.txt
        var %quote.temp $fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),0)
        if (%quote.temp isnum 1-20) {
          var %i = 1,%quote.match
          while ($fline(,$+(*,$2-,*),%i)) {
            %quote.match = $addtok(%quote.match,$v1,44)
            inc %i
          msg $chan Matches for $2 --> %quote.match
          window -c
        elseif (%quote.temp == 0) { msg $chan No match found. }
        else { msg $chan More than 20 matches found, please narrow your search down }
      else {
        if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
        msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
    else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  elseif ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You need to include a quote to add. }
    else write quotes.txt $2-

on *:text:!help:#: { 
  msg $nick Available commands: !quote, !quotes, !quote "number", and !addquote "quote" - Author. And: !quote "word" to search...

Last edited by gomp; 18/01/08 08:52 AM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.