on *:join:#plesh2: {
.notice $nick 15,1[14± 0Welcome $nick To #siber, I Am The IRC Cup Bot Made By siber|plesh and bobz. Please Type !Commands for a list of all my commands 14±15]
if ($nick == siber|plesh) || ($nick == sharrock) { mode $chan +o $nick }
on *:text:!Commands:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) { .notice $nick 15,1[14± 0My Current Commands Are As Follows: !Admin - !Time - !ADD (Team name) ServerON/Off - !Prize - !Map - !Teams - !Status. ( !Help2 For A List Of Admin Commands) 14±15] }
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:TEXT:!setadmin &:#:{
if (%bot.status == on) {
if ($nick == %admin) {
if ($nick isop $chan) {
mode $chan -o %admin
set %admin $2
mode $chan +o %admin
msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The Admin Is now %admin 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:TEXT:!setprize *:#:{
if (%bot.status == on) {
if ($nick == %admin) {
set %prize $2-
msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The Prize Is now %prize 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:TEXT:!setmap *:#:{
if (%bot.status == on) {
if ($nick == %admin) {
set %map $2-
msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The map Is now %Map 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:text:!admin:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) {
msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Admin Is %Admin 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:text:!prize:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) { msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Prize Is %Prize 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:text:!time:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) { msg $chan 15,1[14± 0Time: $time(hh:nn:sstt) 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:text:!map:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) { msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Map Is %Map 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:TEXT:!Start:#Plesh2:{
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if (%bot.status == on) { notice $nick Bot has already started. }
else {
set %bot.status on
set %cup off
msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Cup Bot Has Now Started, Please Type !Commands For A List Of Commands 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The bot is currently offline! }
on *:TEXT:!Stop:#Plesh2:{
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if (%bot.status == off) { notice $nick Bot is already stopped. }
elseif (%bot.status == on) && (%cup == off) { .notice $nick There is currently no cup active! }
else {
topic $chan 15,1[14± 0Welcome To #siber, Currently Running 5on5 IRC Cups, Please Idle And Support #siber 14±15]
set %bot.status off
set %cup off
msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Bot Has Now Been Stopped, All Cups Are Terminated. Please Continue To Idle #siber For Further Cups 14±15]
else { .notice $nick The bot is currently offline! }
on *:TEXT:!help2:#plesh2:{
if (%bot.status == on) {
if ($nick == %admin) {
notice %admin The Current Admin Commands Are !Setadmin <nick> , !Setmap <mapname>, !Setprize <prize name>, !Start (Starts The Script) and !Stop (Stops The Script), !Startcup (Starts The 5on5 Cup)
else { .notice $nick The Bot Is Currently Offline! }
on *:TEXT:!startcup*:#: {
if ($nick isop $chan ) {
if (!$istok(2 4 8 16 32,$2,32)) { notice $nick Invalid syntax! | notice $nick Syntax: !startcup 2/4/8/16/32 | halt }
set %cup.teams $2
set %cup.admin $nick
set %cup.status ON
set %cup.chan $chan
if ($2 == 2) {
set %cup.type 1v1
elseif ($2 == 4) { set %cup.type 2v2 }
elseif ($2 == 8) { set %cup.type 4v4 }
elseif ($2 == 16) { set %cup.type 8v8 }
topic $chan A cup has started! Teams: %cup.teams - Admin: %cup.admin
on *:TEXT:!add *:#: {
if (%cup.teams == %cup.joins) { notice $nick Cup is FULL! | halt }
if (!$2) { notice $nick Syntax: !add <team> serv on/off | halt }
if (!$istok(servon servoff,$3,32)) { notice $nick Valid options are ServOn and ServOff | halt }
inc %cup.joins
set %team $+ %cup.joins $2
notice $nick Your team has been added!
topic %cup.chan A cup is on! Teams signed up %cup.joins $+ / $+ %cup.teams
alias calcteams {
var %x = $rand(1,%cup.teams)
var %y = $rand(1,%cup.teams)
alias check {
if (%cup.joins == %cup.teams) {
if (%y == %x) { CALCTEAM }
if (%cup.teams == 4) {
set %match1 %team $+ %x vs %team $+ %y
var %q = $regsubex(%team $+ %x,/\D/g,)
var %w = $regsubex(%team $+ %y,/\D/g,)
on *:TEXT:!teams:#: {
if (%cup.teams == 2) { msg $chan Current teams in cup: %team1 $+ / $+ %team2 }
if (%cup.teams == 4) { msg $chan Current teams in cup: %team1 $+ / $+ %team2 $+ / $+ %team3 $+ / $+ %team4 }
if (%cup.teams == 8) { msg $chan Current teams in cup: %team1 $+ / $+ %team2 $+ / $+ %team3 $+ / $+ %team4 $+ / $+ %team5 $+ / $+ %team6 $+ / $+ %team7 $+ / $+ %team8 }
if (%cup.teams == 16) { msg $chan Current teams in cup: %team1 $+ / $+ %team2 $+ / $+ %team3 $+ / $+ %team4 $+ / $+ %team5 $+ / $+ %team6 $+ / $+ %team7 $+ / $+ %team8 $+ / $+ %team9 $+ / $+ %team10 $+ / $+ %team11 $+ / $+ %team12 $+ / $+ %team13 $+ / $+ %team14 $+ / $+ %team15 $+ / $+ %team16 }