on *:join:#plesh2: { 
  .notice $nick 15,1[14± 0Welcome $nick To #sharrock, Please Type !Commands for a list of all my commands 14±15]
on *:text:!Commands:#plesh2: {
  if (%bot.status == on)
  .notice $nick 15,1[14± 0My Current Commands Are As Follows: !Admin - !Time - !ADD (Team name) ServerON/Off - !Prize - !Map - !Teams - !Status. ( !Help2 For A List Of Admin Commands) 14±15]

on *:TEXT:!setadmin &:#:{
  if (%bot.status == on)
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    mode $chan -o %admin
    set %admin $2
    mode $chan +o %admin
    msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The Admin Is now %admin 14±15]
on *:TEXT:!setprize *:#:{
  if (%bot.status == on)
  if ($nick == %admin) {
    set %prize $2-
    msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The Prize Is now %prize 14±15]
on *:TEXT:!setmap *:#:{
  if (%bot.status == on)
  if ($nick == %admin) {
    set %map $2-
    msg $chan 15,1[14±0 The map Is now %Map 14±15]
on *:text:!admin:#plesh2: { if (%bot.status == on) msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Admin Is %Admin 14±15] }
on *:text:!prize:#plesh2: if (%bot.status == on) { msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Prize Is %Prize 14±15] }
on *:text:!time:#plesh2 { if (%bot.status == on) msg $chan 15,1[14± 0Time: $time(hh:nn:sstt) 14±15] }
on *:text:!map:#plesh2: if (%bot.status == on) { msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Map Is %Map 14±15] }
on *:TEXT:!startcup:#plesh2:{
  if (%bot.status == on)
  msg $chan 15,1[14± 0A 5on5 Cup has Been Started Please Type !Add / Teamname / Server On/Off To sign up 14±15]
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    set %admin $nick
    topic $chan 15,1[14± 0A 5on5 Cup has Been Started Please Type !Add / Teamname / Server On/Off To sign up 14±15]
on *:TEXT:!Start:#Plesh2:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (%bot.status == on) { notice $nick Bot has already started. }
    else {
      set %bot.status on
      msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Cup Bot Has Now Started, Please Type !Commands For A List Of Commands 14±15]
on *:TEXT:!Stop:#Plesh2:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (%bot.status == off) { notice $nick Bot is already stopped. }
    else {
      topic $chan  15,1[14± 0Welcome To #Sharrock, Currently  Running 5on5 IRC Cups, Please Idle And Support #Sharrock  14±15]
      set %bot.status off
      msg $chan 15,1[14± 0The Bot Has Now Been Stopped, All Cups Are Terminated. Please Continue To Idle #sharrock For Further Cups 14±15]

on *:TEXT:!help2:#plesh2:{
  if (%bot.status == on)
  if ($nick == %admin) {
    notice %admin The Current Admin Commands Are !Setadmin <nick> , !Setmap <mapname>, !Setprize <prize name>, !Start (Starts The Script) and !Stop (Stops The Script)

Thats all of the script, but the thing is, when the bot is !start meaning On, it still wont show the commands.

#Plesh on QuaKenet
Jake Randall
Need help?
#Plesh - QuakeNet
Private Message Me Here!